Educating, Engaging & Equipping Spiritual Leaders

Our Mission

EarthKeepers 360 is a movement focused on equipping spiritual leaders with the tools needed to effectively engage modern environmental issues. Through on the ground educational opportunities, community organizing and strategic civic engagement, EarthKeepers unites spiritual leaders from various traditions in shaping and embodying a new earth ethic.
As a spiritual practice and an opportunity to intentionally reflect upon our role as keepers of the earth, each week EarthKeepers will email out a passage from an environmental/spiritual writer accompanied by reflection questions and thoughtful prompts. In selecting these passages, EarthKeepers will draw from a wide variety of spiritual traditions as well as focus on various modern environmental issues and challenges. Each week’s reflection will also be accompanied by an important environmental fact as well as practical tips for improving ecological stewardship and our upcoming events. Our weekly reflections offer a great opportunity to grow in your own self-reflection and understanding of modern environmental issues and ethics as well as act as a great discussion tool to use in your spiritual community.