
Climate Change


The recent National Climate Assessment report offered dire warnings about climate change from NASA and the nation’s leading scientists. The report revealed rises in earth’s surface temperature, carbon dioxide, and sea levels while acknowledging the role humans play in these changes. The report also noted that the consequences of these changes will include stronger storms and more catastrophic wildfires, loss of coastlines and islands, acidification of oceans, more droughts and heat waves, flooding and declining water and food supplies.


As Archbishop Desmond Tutu has noted, in faith communities and society we can no longer afford to divide ourselves into social justice or environmental advocates since the world’s poor and most vulnerable will bear the brunt of hunger, homelessness, and displacement caused by severe climate events.

EarthKeepers works with a wide variety of local, regional and national organizations to address issues related to climate change. We seek to support partner organizations by elevating their good work, advocating for key policy initiatives and bringing new spiritual leaders and diverse communities to the table. Our partners currently include:

The growing possibility of our destroying ourselves and the world with our own neglect and excess is tragic and very real.

Billy Graham

To care about and work on climate change, is to care about social justice and the future of our world.

Science on a Sphere: Bridging Spirituality, Science & Environmental Ethics

For too long there has been an unnecessary chasm and false dichotomy between science and religion. EarthKeepers seeks to bring these respective fields together in mutually beneficial, thoughtful and helpful ways.


Science gives man knowledge, which is power; religion gives man wisdom, which is control. Science deals mainly with facts; religion deals mainly with values. The two are not rivals.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

With over 550 data sets from NASA, NOAA, and various universities, Science on a Sphere uses incredible dimensional modeling to bring to life the most up to date science on climate change, wildfires, atmospheric storms, ocean currents and temperatures, pollution as well as how industrial and agricultural processes are impacting the Earth’s land, water and wildlife. Through interactive and dynamic presentations, Science on a Sphere couples earth science (the facts) and earth care (the values) together in a visual, educational, intuitive and compelling way aimed at helping spiritual leaders and faith communities better understand environmental issues.

Spiritual leaders and religious communities can use this incredible room-sized resource to promote scientific understanding, discuss environmental ethics, and engage in greater commitment to caring for and better stewardship of God’s Creation. From an ecological justice perspective, Science on the Sphere can also illustrate social upheaval, violence, and suppression of the press throughout the world over various periods of time. Because of the important environmental and social implications brought to life by Science on a Sphere various spiritual leaders associated with EarthKeepers serve as volunteers helping to deliver presentations and promote this important program.

There are over 130 Science on a Sphere locations throughout the world. In certain locations, EarthKeepers works to customize presentations and organize field trips for spiritual leaders and communities to visit a Science on the Sphere location and engage in a thoughtful discussion about science, spirituality and environmental ethics as well as explore tangible steps to better care for God’s creation.


EarthKeepers 360 has partnered with New Mexico Interfaith Power and Light to encourage faith communities throughout New Mexico to call for stronger methane reduction regulations. Strong regulations are one step to address methane pollution and waste that costs millions of dollars in revenue loss to our schools, harm to health, and escalation of climate change. Methane is responsible for about twenty-five percent of the climate warming we experience. In New Mexico, oil and gas operations release more than 1 million metric tons of methane every year with a short term impact equivalent to approximately 22 coal-fired power plants or 28 million automobiles.

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