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Sign up for our Weekly Reflections

Each week, EarthKeepers 360 emails our weekly reflection that includes a quote from an environmental/spiritual writer accompanied by reflection questions, a major environmental policy issue or legislation to take action on, learn about upcoming events and get updates from the field. Our weekly reflections offer a great opportunity to make a difference, deepen your understanding of environmental ethics, grow in self awareness and are an excellent resource for congregations, creation care teams and faith communities to grow in responsible stewardship of creation.

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Become a Climate Smart Congregation

Our spiritual advisors and climate experts will work with you and your congregation to become more climate smart. Seeking to be responsible stewards of God’s creation, congregations have a huge opportunity to lessen the severity of climate change by reducing energy and water use, moving toward renewable energy, recycling, composting, and reducing waste. The Environmental Protection Agency notes that if every house of worship nationally (about 300,000) cut back energy use by just 10%: over $200 million could be saved and used for the community good; 5.4 billion kilowatt hours of electricity could be used elsewhere without generating additional pollution; and 200 million tons of greenhouse gases would not be emitted—the equivalent of keeping 400,000 cars off the road or planting half a million trees. Through a scheduled consultation with our team we will listen to your community’s needs, help you shape your goals on energy, water, and waste, work with you on the politics of change in your community, provide creative solutions to ensure that sustainable and systemic change occurs in your congregation and give you the practical tools needed to make a difference in your congregation and community. Sign up for a free Climate Smart consultation here

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Permanently Protect the Caja del Rio

EarthKeepers 360 is helping to spearhead the Caja del Rio coalition. We regularly lead educational guided hikes on the Caja that focus on highlighting the area’s cultural, historical, ecological and wildlife important. Additionally, twice a year we host volunteer trash clean-ups on the Caja. We also host a wide array of community events from film screenings of the short film Saving Caja and a community panel discussions to conducting interviews with the media. Additionally, EarthKeepers played a critical role in drafting comments for the BLM’s proposed shooting range on the Caja as well as highlighting the ongoing threats and challenges to the area  and pass support resolutions. We also helped the Caja del Rio coalition develop the widely acclaimed Caja del Rio Storybook. Finally, EarthKeepers has played a pivotal role in working with the Biden Administration, Congressional Delegation, Santa Fe County, the City of Santa Fe and the Native American Fish and Wildlife Society in calling for permanent protection, responsible stewardship and Tribal co-governance of the Caja del Rio. Read more on our Caja del Rio page. And to learn more and how you can get involved in protecting the Caja email us

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Save Oak Flat

Since time immemorial Oak Flat has played a sacred and important role in the culture of the San Carlos Apache and many tribes throughout the Southwest. Countless generations have used the site for spiritual, religious and coming-of-age ceremonies, especially connected to the majestic and sacred oak trees in the area. According to San Carlos Tribal leaders Oak Flat contains “the best set of Apache archaeological sites ever documented.” Located in central Arizona’s Tonto National Forest, Oak Flat also is important to wildlife as it is home to a variety of big game, apex predators, a diverse array of bird life and various threatened and endangered plant and animal species. The site is also world renowned for camping and rock climbing, thanks to its beautiful and impressive rock formations. 

In late December 2014 in a midnight rider on a must-pass defense funding bill in Congress, Sen. McCain pushed through a last minute land swap. This swap traded Oak Flat to international mining company Rio Tinto for its proposed Resolution Copper Mine for private lands worth millions of dollars less. This deal done under the darkness of night occurred despite the fact that mining was prohibited in the area over 60 years ago, by executive order of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The proposed mine would completely destroy Oak Flat using a block mining technique to excavate the ore body 7,000 feet underground. Material removed from the mine would spread toxic waste across thousands of acres of public land and would leave behind a crater up to two miles wide and 1,000 feet deep. Oak Flat would be utterly destroyed and unsafe for human visitation in perpetuity. The mine would also use over 250 billion gallons of precious fresh water from one of the most arid states in the U.S. 

In response, the San Carlos have filed numerous lawsuits seeking to honor their treaty rights as well as a First Amendment claim that the proposed mine would substantially burden their ability to freely practice their religion.   

By invitation of the San Carlos Apache, EarthKeepers spiritual leaders participated in the 2023 March to Oak Flat and printed this national op-ed focused on protecting the religious rights of the San Carlos Apache and Native Americans tribes. Additionally, we worked to get this piece in the Presbyterian News Service. If you would like a presentation for your community on Oak Flat or are a faith leader or congregation looking to get involved in protecting Oak Flat email us.

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Make a Donation to EarthKeepers 360

Donations to EarthKeepers are greatly appreciated as all donations allow us to further our mission and make a difference in communities across the world. Each donation made to EarthKeepers 360 goes directly to programs focused on Environmental Justice and Outdoor Equity, Public Lands Protection and Climate Smart Congregations. First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe acts as the fiscal agent of EarthKeepers and all donations are tax deductible.  

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