
EarthKeepers 360 Resources

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EarthKeeping Educational Videos

Sermon and Worship Resources


Dealing with Difficult Biblical Texts

Reverend Andrew Black takes head-on the difficult Biblical texts related to creation and our role and relationship with the environment. Through sound biblical interpretation and thoughtful reimagination, Rev. Black calls us to move from a dominance to interdependence and royal responsibility in caring for God’s good creation. This video is intended to help faith leaders and congregations wrestle with these challenging texts that have historically been subject to misinterpretation and find new ways to move forward in understanding the Bible and our role as stewards of creation.

Nature Your Soul: The Call for a New Earth Ethic

In this dynamic sermon, Rev. Black lifts up the healing effects of nature while calling for spiritual leaders and faith communities to create and shape a New Earth Ethic. This ethic requires us to take challenging biblical texts head on, confront difficult scientific truths about the state of our environment and ultimately move forward in hope as we join the creator in responsible stewardship of creation and the healing of our world as we live into this new ethic!

Dealing with Difficult Biblical Texts of Creation: The Call to be EarthKeepers
Ever wonder what to do with those difficult Biblical texts from Genesis 1-2 focused on dominion and subduing the Earth. This Earth Day sermon by Rev. Andrew Black thoughtfully and faithfully takes these texts head on while addressing God’s call for us to be EarthKeepers and challenging today’s church to live into a new Earth ethic: an ethic focused on addressing modern environmental problems, reconnecting with land, water and wildlife, and bridging science and religion, social justice and environmentalism. This is a great teaching, preaching and Bible study resource for Genesis 1:25-2:1-15.
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